Dear Irish government representatives,
Please, find here enclosed the position and reaction to the proposal for a Council Recommendation Enabling Framework Conditions for Social Economy proposal, signed by the European networks for work integration social enterprises as ENSIE, and its Irish member: ISEN, whose representatives are reading us.
We particularly want to raise your attention on these 3 key aspects of our contribution:
- Common Guidelines must be provided to national authorities as guiding principles for the building national frameworks for work integration social enterprises (WISEs).
- Specific financial support for work integration social enterprises especially because of the mission of professional integration of groups with support needs (disabled and disadvantaged persons)
- A better use of State Aide and reserved contracts for work integration social enterprises, creating a flourishing financial landscape for social economy and moving away from the logic of the lowest price towards that of the fair price.
We appreciate your time and attention in reading this document, and extend our gratitude to GECES and Social Protection Committee members for their efforts in recognizing the specific needs of work integration social entreprises.