Would you like to register for our new GreenBoost4WISE’s Programme?

What is the GreenBoost4WISES project? 

The project’s action focuses on awareness raising, transnational capacity buildingbusiness support, upskilling and training aimed at fostering green innovation.

Activities include online capacity-building, coaching for sustainability, upskilling programs, and advisory service support and spreading of good communication practices. The project seeks to foster cross-sectoral collaboration, encourage sustainable practices, and ultimately contribute to the growth and resilience of WISEs in the face of environmental challenges.

Project objectives: 

  • Supporting transnational and cross-sectoral cooperation and exchange of good practices to enable sustainable growth of WISEs to face the green transition; 
  • Upskilling and training towards staff and management of WISEs to green their operations; 
  • Encouraging the uptake and adoption of sustainable measures and innovative solutions; 
  • Fostering cooperation between WISEs and other relevant stakeholders (e.g., other social economy entities, mainstream businesses, academia and public authorities). 

To Register and get involved Contact programmes@socent.ie or Contact us here.

Find more on ensie.org/projects/greenboost4wises