GreenBoost4WISE’s is a European Project involving partners in Austria, Italy and Belgium.
The Co-ordinating partner ENSIE  is the European Network of Social Integration Enterprises.
We are delighted to announce that under the project call there is funding available for Work Integration Social Enterprises
The key aims of the call are precisely:
🌱To support transnational and cross-sectoral cooperation and exchange of good practices
🌱To enable sustainable growth of WISEs to face the green transition;
🌱To upskill and train staff and management of WISEs to green their operations;
🌱To encourage the uptake and adoption of sustainable measures and innovative solutions;
🌱To foster cooperation between WISEs and other relevant stakeholders

The application process for participation is two-stage: i

  1. Organisations will apply for participation in the study visits and the coaching & mentoring activities taking place in Autumn 2024.
  2. Organizations selected in the first stage will be asked again to express their interest in the upskilling & training and green innovation & advisory services.

In stage 1, up to 30 organizations per country will be selected, of which up to 20 can participate in stage 2.

The application deadline for Stage 1 is June 30, 2024.

All necessary information for the first stage can be found in the documents for applicants here:

The application is now open under the following link: