The second session for the GreenBoost4WISE’s project will take place . On May 22nd, 14-16 CEST (1.00 pm-3.00 pm  in Ireland) This session will  focus on Circular Economy in WISEs and SEEs. After an input by Matthias Neitsch (ReUse Austria) there will be a  discussion around  challenges & opportunities based on Good Practices from all GreenBoost4WISEs partner countries. If you’d like to join, please register using this link, we are looking forward to your inputs!

  • The general objective of the project  is to make business and processes of WISEs more sustainable and to raise awareness on benefits of greener practices through capacity building, knowledge transfer and transnational cooperation.

As for the specific objectives, they are:

  • Supporting transnational and cross-sectorial cooperation and exchange of good practices to enable sustainable growth of WISEs to face the green transition
  • Upskilling and training towards staff and management of WISEs to green their operations, coaching and mentoring and business support activities
  • Encouraging the uptake and adoption of sustainable measures and innovative solutions
  • Fostering cooperation between WISEs and other relevant stakeholders (e.g., other social enterprises, mainstream businesses, academia and public authorities).     

The consortium is composed of 6 partners:

ENSIE (European Network of Social Integration Enterprises – coordinator, Belgium);

  • arbeit plus (Soziale Unternehmen Osterreich, Austria);
  • Re-Use Austria
  • EVT (Consorzio di Cooperative Sociali)
  • IIR (Consorzio Nazionale Idee in Rete Società Cooperativa Sociale)
  • ISEN (Irish Social Enterprise Network, Ireland);