GreenBoost4WISEs – What’s all about?
GreenBoost4WISEs is a EU-funded project that aims at enabling WISEs to take one step further towards greener businesses and processes, thanks to activities centred on awareness raising, capacity building and knowledge sharing. These activities entail study visits, focus groups, trainings and events tailormade to stimulate the development of WISEs green strategies. It is therefore a one-of-its-kind project, not only for its focus on raising awareness and strengthening WISEs’ capacities at the wake of the green transition, but also for the opportunities it provides through financial support to organisations across Europe, so they can benefit from upcoming study visits and advisory services centred on greening.
Target groups – GrenBoost4WISEs activities are targeted at managers and representatives of WISEs, and other types of social economy enterprises (cooperatives, foundations, networks, etc.) and public authorities.
The consortium is composed by ENSIE as coordinator; a circular economy representative (ReUSE Austria), and 4 WISEs networks from 3 countries: ISEN (Ireland), EVT and Idee In Rete (Italy), and arbeit plus (Austria).
Find more information about the project on its dedicated webpage and by dowloading the project infosheet.
Project progress – The GreenBoost4WISEs consortium was gathered for the project kick off in October 2023, and for a second meeting on March 2024.
The first phase of the project was dedicated to making sense of current challenges and possible soutions to respond to WISEs needs for implementing greener activities and processes. For this matter, the project partners organised two workshops – one centred on challenges, another one oriented to discuss solutions.
Based on such key inputs, partners have organised online trainings on key principles of sustainability, and greening processes put into context to WISEs and SEs. and organised a call for selection of participants to study visits and coaching&mentoring sessions accross Europe. |