GreenBoost4WISEs aims at making the business and processes of Work Integration
Social Enterprises (WISEs) and Social Economy Enterprises (SEEs) more sustainable
and to raise awareness on the benefits of greener practices through capacity building,
knowledge transfer and transnational cooperation.
The project’s action focuses on awareness raising, transnational capacity building,
business support, upskilling and training aimed at fostering green innovation.

GREENBOOST4WISEs project will provide financial support to European WISE/SEEs
for the implementation of:
• Upskilling and training towards staff and management of WISEs to green their
• Encourage the uptake and adoption of sustainable measures and innovative

For the success of the project, it is crucial to engage a competent network of VET
providers and Advisory Services Providers able to deliver courses and/or Advisory to support the green growth of WISEs.
To facilitate this skills acquisition, the GB4WISEs project is committed to financially
support WISEs/SEEs for training and upskilling services, up to € 3.000, and advisory
services up to € 4.800.
For further information: Guidelines_-_VET___Advisory_Providers_GB4WISEs_final
GreenBoost4WISEs (