From European Commission:

Dear GECES members,

The OECD and the European Commission have joined forces to work on a flagship report to address policy and knowledge gaps around the social economy in EU Member States. The report will focus on the contribution of the social economy to specific sectors ( housing and care) and provide an analysis of the framework conditions for social economy organisations in areas such as taxation, business support and institutional arrangements.

To populate the country profiles on taxation and business support schemes, we would like to kindly consult your expertise through a survey. This survey aims to collect information on the existing taxation and business support around social economy across levels of government, i.e. national, subnational and local/municipal levels, in your country. You may access the survey here . 

The survey should take around 20-25 minutes to complete. We kindly ask you to please submit your replies no later than 23 December 2024 by 23:59 CET.

Please share this survey with relevant entities at all levels of governance in your country (e.g. national, subnational, regional, municipality level).

Feel free to also invite other relevant social economy stakeholders including social economy organisations and representative networks to fill in the survey if you deem helpful.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Sofija RAKCEJEVA and Bruno DE

Thank you very much for your time and collaboration.

Kindest regards,

The EMPL Social Economy Team on behalf of the OECD

European Commission


Unit G3 – Social and Inclusive Entrepreneurship
CO46 01/DCS
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium