From Euclid Network:
Published in: Euclid Network
Cited as: Gazeley, T. and Bennett, T. (2025), Executive Summary: “The State of Social Enterprise in Europe – European Social Enterprise Monitor 2023-2024”. Euclid Network.
Executive Summary: Read the latest European Social Enterprise Monitor Report 2023 – 2024
The European Social Enterprise Monitor (ESEM)is a biennial survey-based study on social enterprises (SEs) across Europe. This third edition, taking place over 2023-2024, builds on the editions of 2020-21 and 2021-22.The ESEM provides information to decision makers so that they can better accommodate and support SEs in their policy, funding and legal frameworks.The ESEM is led at the European level by EuclidNetwork (EN), with country teams leading the work at the national level. The European Report provides an overview of the data at the European level.National data and analysis are available in the Country Reports (‘xSEM’), produced by country partners. This data gathered by the ESEM includes observations related to the 1807 SEs across30 European countries sampled in 2023-2024.