From Department of Rural and Community Development


Dear Social Enterprise Stakeholders,

In July 2024, the Minister for Rural and Community Development published Trading for Impact: National Social Enterprise Policy 2024-2027. The policy is focused on five main objectives:

  1. Building Awareness of Social Enterprise
  2. Growing and Strengthening Social Enterprise
  3. Supporting the Green Transition
  4. National and International Engagement
  5. Impact Measurement.

The policy sets out 57 commitments on the part of Government across these objectives for the development of social enterprise in terms of scale and impact. Trading for Impact aims to cultivate and sustain strong and impactful social enterprises in Ireland, and in doing so enrich the social, environmental and economic well-being of people in our communities. The new policy includes a commitment (action 56) to: “Establish a Trading for Impact Stakeholder Engagement Group to co-ordinate input into the delivery of the policy, to meet biannually”. The Stakeholder Engagement Group will be a key vehicle to advise on the implementation of the National Social Enterprise policy.

Whilst responsibility for delivery of the policy measures rests with the Department of Rural and Community Development, partnership with a wide range of social enterprise stakeholders is key to the success and sustainability of Trading for Impact. Two seats on the group have been allocated to social enterprise practitioners, one from a rural social enterprise, and one from an urban social enterprise. The Department is now inviting suitable candidates to apply for the role.

Application forms can be found Here.

The Department will shortlist applicants deemed to meet the requirements of the role. A panel, comprising three members will meet to consider the shortlisted applicants and will rank them on the basis of merit.

The closing date for expressions of interest to be submitted, by email to, is Friday 7th February 2025.

Kind regards,

The Social Enterprise and Social Innovation Team,