Enter this week!!

The European Network of Social Integration Enterprises is launching the Facebook competition ‘Selfie on the workspace’. The objective of the contest is to show the diversity of workers and work places of work integration social enterprises in Europe.

The Facebook contest will run from April 24 to May 25, 2017. It is open to the workers of the work integration social enterprises of ENSIE’s members.

How to participate ?

  • Like ENSIE page on Facebook.
  • Post a selfie took on the workspace on the contest dedicated page.
  • Comment with a statement on your work mentioning your name and the name of the enterprise you work for. The comment will be written in your mother tongue and will not exceed a maximum of 200 words.
  • Invite people to like your post.

The participant who gets the more likes will win the national competition and will represent its country during the European competition.

Selection and Award ceremony

Selection criteria: the funnier pictures and comments will be awarded.

There will be one finalist selected for each country on the basis of the likes received. Each finalist will be the representative of its country and will participate in the European competition (21 countries).

An independent jury composed of a communication expert and a class Belgian students will select the 3 winners among the 21 national finalists.

The 3 winners will be invited to participate in the meeting organised by ENSIE on the 15 & 16 June 2017 in Belgium, during which will be held the award ceremony.

The winners of the contest will receive a two days’ trip in Belgium organised on the 15 & 16 June, as well as a surprise gift from a European work integration social enterprise.

More information can be downloaded in this pdf: Facebook Competition ‘Selfie on the workspace’