Mentoring Support Programme for Directors and Managers of Social Enterprises

This initiative to provide mentoring support to Directors and Managers of Social Enterprises has been devised and developed in support of the Department of Justice and Equality social enterprise strategy, ‘A New Way Forward’. The Innovation Academy in University College Dublin have assisted in drawing up and developing the programme. The experienced and qualified mentors have been selected from the members of Rotary International in Ireland.

How can mentors help You?

You will be offered a choice of mentor and a mentoring arrangement will only proceed when you have met and assessed the mentor and determined their fit with your business.

Our Business Mentors can help you by:

  • Learning about your enterprise
  • Listening
  • Identifying problems and areas for improvement
  • Drawing on their expertise and experience
  • Advising and counselling
  • Suggesting solutions
  • Assisting with the implementation of those solutions
  • Introduce change in practice and thinking
  • Be an independent sounding board for the enterprise
  • Their contribution will be voluntary and there will be no charge for their inputEach mentor and each mentoring project will be supported by the Social Enterprise Project Manager within the Department of Justice and by a Rotary Mentoring Coordinator.

    Mentors profile

  • Every mentor will be a member of the local club of Rotary International
  • Each mentor will have been selected and trained before coming on to the panel.
  • The mentors will either have run a sizable business or be drawn from the businessprofessions
  • The mentoring will be carried out on your premises unless otherwise agreed
  • All mentors will sign a confidentiality agreement before any assignment commences
  • Either the Enterprise or the mentor can terminate the arrangement at any timeHow to apply

    Please see separate application form. Complete this form and return it to Siobhán Cafferty, social enterprise project manager, at before Friday, October 5th. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis so early registration is advisable.

Support Application Form Final